Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 2 days

Graduation is 2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days from today! I think…

Counting back from May 11, 2013 yields the following:

2 years puts us at May 11, 2011
2 months – March 11, 2011
2 weeks – February 25, 2011
2 days – February 23, 2011, which is today!

Counting forward from today:

2 years – February 23, 2013
2 months – April 23, 2013
2 weeks – May 7, 2013
Leaving 4 days to get to May 11, 2013

Unless you count forward like this:

2 days – February 25, 2011
2 weeks – March 11, 2011
2 months – May 11, 2011
2 years – May 11, 2013

This makes one wonder what happens when you count back like this:

2 days – May 9, 2013
2 weeks – April 25, 2013
2 months – February 25, 2013
2 years – February 25, 2011
Leaving us 2 more days to get back to today!

While I wait for someone to enlighten me as to whatever obvious explanation there is for this discrepancy, I’m going to trust the 2, 2, 2, 2 math. In part because that’s what my new countdown clock over there on the side says. Also, I don’t want to wait until Friday for it to be 2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days until graduation!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Birthday Blog Post

As my friend Catherine has twice pointed out in the Comments, this blog has been a little neglected lately. One reason is the “I’m busy!” excuse. School really has been keeping me busy. This is the first semester of school where I’m honestly starting to relate to some of the “vet school is hard” rumors. The other reason for the blog neglect is related to the first, and that reason is that all of the topics I’ve thought about blogging recently have been a little depressing. Recently considered topics have included

Cytology: Purple, purple everywhere. Or Cytology: All this s*** looks the same.

Hematology: Damn you breed differences! (Did you know that greyhounds can have grey eosinophils? Or that the Dutch Partridge Hound has “bowl-shaped” red blood cells associated with a hypertrophic gastritis? Or that Birman cats can have pink granules in their neutrophils? It goes on and on.)

Systemic pathology: My brain is full.

Nutrition: This should be an online pass/fail course. (Also, this is the course that I have an exam in next week, so blogging is a form of procrastination. I already did my taxes, applied for financial aid, and vacuumed this morning instead of studying.)

So you see, I’ve really just been sparing you the rants! There are some great things about vet school, though, and right now, those are keeping me going. Namely, we a) get to work with cute animals, and b) take pictures of the cute animals. 






 Guinea Pigs!

So it's not all bad! Also, I have some highly entertaining friends: